Donnerstag, 21. August 2014

PLEEC is stepping forward...!

... Work Package 2 "Smart City Profiles" is coming slowly but surely to completion. 
The main objective of this Work Package is to profile the six PLEEC partner cities - Eskilstuna, Stoke-on-Trent, Tartu, Jyväskylä, Santiago de Compostela and Turku - with respect to the main characteristics of a "Smart City" having a special consideration of their energy efficiency and use. 
At the PLEEC homepage ( the reports from Deliverables 2.1 and Deliverables 2.2 can already be downloaded.
Deliverable 2.1 represents „Smart City Profiles“ which describe the performance of the six participating PLEEC cities according to their ability to deal with changing global trends as demographic change or economic transformation. They reveal the specific strengths and weaknesses of the cities and their potentials for challenging other cities in an increasing competitive situation.
Deliverable 2.2 represents the “Typology of cities” analyzing cities´ performances on certain key aspects in a European perspective and in comparison. The typology allows for benchmarking and an easy identification of comparable cities in the European context.
Deliverable 2.3 (“Energy smart city profiles of partner cities”) and 2.4 (“Methodology for monitoring”) will follow soon. 

Leader of this Work Package is the Vienna University of Technology who has done a great job – thanks for all the efforts!
Read here more about this PLEEC Project partner:
copyright TU Wien
The Centre of Regional Science is part of the Department of Spatial Planning Vienna, which is assigned to the Faculty of Architecture and Planning in Vienna University of Technology (VUT). In teaching and research the centre focuses on the analysis of urban and regional structures, developments and processes. In this scientific field the main challenge consists in revealing causal relations behind economic, social and spatial processes in different cities and regions. This systemic approach is a solid base for creating strategies and instruments on the one hand and for assessing the effects of projected measures on the other. Thus, research in the Centre of Regional Science is not exclusively geared to scientific goals, but also to its applicability to policy makers, planning institutions, investors or other stakeholders.
The Centre is embedded in various international scientific networks and co-operates with different universities, firms, planning departments and public authorities. Both research and teaching activities stand in the scientific tradition of Regional Science and Human Geography. Recent research activities concentrate on questions of city development on the local level and on the issue of city competition and the position of city regions in the international urban system. Both fields of research aim at revealing specific strengths and weaknesses of cities, disclosing spatial concentration and specialisation processes and explaining the driving forces of urban and regional spatial development.

With this expertise Vienna University of Technology has done a great gob in analyzing and profiling our six PLEEC partner cities with regards to their "smartness" and energy efficiency.

Best thanks to this PLEEC project partner for the fruitful cooperation!